Sunday, March 13, 2011


denim dress. levi's
sweater. thrift
shorts. thrift
stockings & socks. tutuanna
mini flashlight. yodobashi camera
make do backdrop. my blanket

So there was a giant earthquake (magnitude of 9) in Japan on Friday. I live in Tokyo so it wasn't as bad as up North, but it was still pretty big. And the scary part is that there is still a 70% chance that there will be an earthquake of magnitude 7 or more within this week. There are rolling blackouts and most of the train lines are stopped. So I couldn't go in to work today. On the bright side I was able to update this blog.

Since I have some time on my hands I will update on what has been going on. I spent the month of February living in Narita for my new job as an International Buyer (in training). It was just training so now I am back in Tokyo in my dorm. But I am moving again to another place since I graduated Design School.

My graduation was supposed to be today, but it got canceled because the Kudan Kaikan Hall where it was supposed to be held collapsed on Friday due to the earthquake. It was really shocking to hear and I feel grateful that the earthquake didn't strike today or else I could have been inside.

The supermarkets and convenience stores are almost sold out because people are buying food and water in panic. I went to buy a flashlight on Saturday and they were almost all sold out!! I was only able to get a mini one and a book light (just in case i get bored in the dark).

So yea, things are pretty hectic here but since I'm stuck in my room it's pretty quiet.
Just scary because every I try to relax there's a small aftershock coming by every hour or so. They aren't big at all, but it just seems like they are leading up to another giant earthquake which scares me. I have a jug of water on the ground to check if the dizziness I feel is the earthquake or just my imagination.

Anyways, I really hope that if the earthquake strikes my family and I will be okay. And all my friends in Japan and every where in the world will not be hurt. And I just hope that things will get better for everyone being affected by the earthquake.
I know that there's so much that I can be doing to help, and I feel so guilty for hiding out in my room doing nothing.

I spread my love to you Japan. 皆の安全を心から願っています。

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